CUPS 63: Ext. 137

Important to note that 9:45 would never be prime firing time of day, because it’s in the morning, and the higher ups are still working off the pancakes they ate for breakfast. At the daily corporate pancake breakfasts. Oh, to be king.

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CUPS 62: What’re We Saying?

She’s also not saying anything about the high levels of nosiness currently going on at the table, in case anyone else at this table was wondering about that.

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CUPS 50: Opening Night

CUPS stadium will from here on out be referred to ‘Dr. Pepper Stadium at CUPS confines‘, and we’ll all be wearing ‘Comcast’ patches on our left sleeves. The post-game show will no longer be referred to as ‘CUPS Tonight‘, but instead will be referred to as ‘CUPS Tonight, delivered by Dominos Pizza‘. Also, if you’ve got the chance, do your best to work Coors Light into any post-game interviews. I mean, it’s not vital, but with Coors Light being the official beer of CUPS, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to try and kick ’em a little bit of extra exposure when we can. Rick ‘Taco Bell’ McNamara OUT.

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CUPS 49: Hangoverpocalypse

My favorite rallying cry for the last several years at work has been ‘well, whatever, I know it’s frustrating/difficult/confusing, but it’s comforting if you think about just how useless this whole project/issue is, and that someday we’re all going to die and none of this will matter’. For a while I thought that my co-workers thought this was funny, so I kept saying it. More recently, though, I have come realize that people probably don’t see this as humorous, but I keep saying it anyway, because now I think that I believe this viewpoint on life to be true.

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CUPS 41: Well Rounded

He left out the best part which is when he spent 13 months as a bounty hunter tracking down Klan zombies. They made a movie about it, but I don’t know who ‘they’ are, and I’m pretty sure it was a lie anyway.

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