CUPS 105: Bad Omens Aside

Wait. So, he files the hot dogs independently of the hot dog buns, but it appears as though he files the condiments along with the hot dog? If you’re going to file things separately I don’t know why you wouldn’t go the extra mile and file the condiments separately as well. But then again, I am applying logic to a man with a folder of hot dog.

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CUPS 103: Sixty To Zero

There are literally classes that teach you how to breath heavily during labor, and I guess there’s a lot of really heavy breathing while conceiving a baby, so it only makes sense that you do some really heavy breathing to calm down while panicking leading up to child birth.

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CUPS 102: Pen

Here’s the thing, though… It’s not even really about the pen. I know this is a lot to process. I’ll give you a minute.

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CUPS 61: Get Serious

It’s like, dude, you’ve literally been standing in line at Isthmus of Bagel for eight minutes and you haven’t realized this, hot damn you’re going to struggle with being a parent.

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CUPS 53: Another Comic About Panicking

Much of CUPS is biographical, but this part is kind of not. My wife and I freaked out a little bit, but I don’t recall ever having like real breakdowns where either of us was truly panicked. Maybe Lester is just my fears and worries that I mostly keep locked up inside. Maybe Norah is that as well. Maybe this is a fictional comic and you shouldn’t read too deeply into it and mind your own damn business.

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