CUPS 77: Water

I promise you, we have nothing to hide. Oh, um, except don’t get the lobster roll, that’s, um, questionable for reasons that I’d prefer not to get into. The lobster mac and cheese, either. You know what? Best steer clear of anything with lobster in it. Same goes for really any shellfish-based items. And anything that’s made with land shellfish, too. Land shellfish? Oh, you know, like, chicken or cows. I’ll tell you what, it’s probably in your best interest to avoid meat of any kind off of our menu. Can I interest you in some pasta? Mmmm, yea, let’s avoid the sauce. How about I bring out some of our buttered noodles and a glass of water? It may be a little bit, we’re going to have to boil the water, of course.

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CUPS 25: Pretty Brutal

When asked how good she thought Forrest Gump was, she replied ‘it was OK enough, though I think history has somewhat overrated it.’ NORAH’S STRAIGHT UP COLD AS ICE.

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CUPS 24: Café Mange Savoureux

Yes, mmm-hmm… Wow, yes, that’s really impressive. OK, ma’am, can I stop you right there? I really think it’s great that Mr. Flynn was doodling at such an early age… The skinny Crayolas, you say? Yes, very interesting. Anyway, I do think that it would be best if we could… Ma’am? Ma’am, we’ve been over this, Mr. Flynn’s high-school dating history really has no relevance to our hiring of him. Yes, I… Yes, I’m sure she was a very nice girl. Look, I’m sorry to cut you off, here, but I think I have all the information I need. Also, this has been by far and away the most unprofessional reference I’ve ever been given.

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