CUPS 25: Pretty Brutal

When asked how good she thought Forrest Gump was, she replied ‘it was OK enough, though I think history has somewhat overrated it.’ NORAH’S STRAIGHT UP COLD AS ICE.

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CUPS 17: 6:45pm

Man, not sleeping is the worst thing. Have you ever just gotten back from a road trip, or had coffee too late in the day, or just torched some lines of cocaine and just not been able to sleep? I repeat, it is the absolute worst. When I was a young kid I had issues with anxiety. Not absurdly so, but I was a nervous little kid like I think a lot of little kids are nervous little kids. When I wouldn’t be able to sleep, though, that’s when I was the most anxious. If I wasn’t to sleep by a certain time I’d get anxious, and that would wake me up more and it would just be my own private hell, as far as that sort of thing goes for like 11-year old nervous kids.

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CUPS 10: Rigged Officiating

Ah, yes. OK. Now we’ve had the two storylines sync up. You may have wondered what was going on when we so awkwardly jumped from the storyline about adults playing in a neighborhood ping-pong based game into a super heavy storyline about a husband and wife about to have a baby. This was the plan all along. But not like ‘this was the plan all along’ in a LOST sort of way, more like ‘this was the plan all along’ in a Breaking Bad sort of way.

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CUPS 9: Survival

Anytime you’re sitting in the car, and you’re having a one-sided conversation with your spouse while they’re silent, they’re thinking about your future burial. This is always true.

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CUPS 8: Bad Omen

I always wonder how doctors keep it together. I mean, I would imagine that the bulk of the time the things they see they’ve seen a hundred times before. ‘Oh, what is that, a large bunion? Yea, you’ll be fine.’ But doctors are just regular people, too. So, they sometimes will see something and you just know deep down they’re going ‘Oh shit, this is some crazy leaky eye’ or whatever. I feel like at my job as a simple graphic designer, there are no less than like 5 times a week when I find myself saying ‘OMG this thing is cray’, and I only say that over simple file formatting issues. I’d just be the worst doctor. I’m pretty sure I could handle all the medical stuff, the hours, the stress of dealing with death… But I’d just be awful holding my tongue at some of the really crazy gross medical stuff.

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