There’s something refreshing about all-out rejection over fake excuses. I went out on a date with this girl back in college, and while it wasn’t the best date ever, it was fine enough… Fine enough for both parties to at least consider another date a possibility, so I thought. But then the end of the date came and I said something like ‘so let’s do this again’ to which she responded ‘No’. I think more words had to have been said after them, but hell if I remember what happened after that metaphorical bitch slap to my ego. I got over it super quick, though… She could have said something that was more vague and less-to-the-point, but instead she just ripped the band-aid off. Good for you, girl that I don’t remember even at all except for that one little anecdote.
Tag: Webcomic
CUPS 47: Leonidas
Any drug dealer should understand the concept of supply and demand. You supply me with an answer for why you’ve been galavanting around at night as a high-level drug dealer for the last several months because I demand it.
CUPS 46: Obedience School
Oh, wait, this is a cat disobedience school? I was wondering why I saw so many signs labeled ‘Project Chaos’ and all those Che Guavera pamphlets. Plus all the kitty on kitty violence. No, no, it’s cool, I’ll let myself out.
CUPS 45: Aftermath
This joke would be a lot funnier if there was actually a dead body… But let’s be real, that’s just adding way too many things into the CUPS canon in short order. Also, I don’t really feel like cat homicide story-telling is something that I’m interested in dipping my feet into with this strip.
CUPS 44: No Excuses
Lester and Norah considered going with PMS 360, but realized quickly that it was way too bold of a color. Then they shortly considered PMS Cool Gray 4C, and while it’s certainly subdued enough, they ultimately decided that it was too drab for a young child. They also went through a quick metallics phase where they considered PMS 871, 872 and 874, but of course they didn’t want their child growing up in a room that looked like some sort of bomb shelter. I think they made the right decision with the 277. Colorful enough to be interesting, not too loud to bug the baby. Good call, Josephs.