CUPS 73: Frenetic

I don’t understand why you would play games to force you to drink. Back home we had a game we called ‘drink the beer’ — Shoutout to that girl I knew for like two weeks in junior year of college who said this one time who’s name I can’t remember.

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CUPS 42: Makin’ Soup

Did you know that gambling on tennis is absolutely HUGE internationally? Your first thought when I say this is surely ‘wtf, that can’t possibly be true’, but it is! Apparently it’s because tennis matches are going on almost literally at every second of every day everywhere. Like, there are tournaments going on every weekend, and it’s something that a TON of people are wagering money on. Certainly surprised me when I found this out in passing that one time that may or may not have actually happened.

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CUPS 33: The Night

Here’s the part where I deconstruct the joke and tell you why what you just read is funnier than you may have thought: The ‘punchline’ to this strip (having an internal narrative going on that implies to you your level of drunkenness) is at best the fourth funniest thing in this strip. ‘Prussian Dance Party’, ‘Peppermint Boston Terrier Shots’ and ‘The Night Descended Into Madness’ are all choice cuts of CUPS humor. Look, I get that you may find neither me nor my comic humorous, that’s fine. But whatever you may think that I’m doing with this comic in general, I’m doing that thing SUPER HARD in this strip

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