CUPS 51: Freakout

Welcome to a series of strips were two people panic about having a baby. I hope I’m appealing to a sizable enough group of people, seeing as like a billion people have children every year, and God knows how many of them freak out about it.

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CUPS 49: Hangoverpocalypse

My favorite rallying cry for the last several years at work has been ‘well, whatever, I know it’s frustrating/difficult/confusing, but it’s comforting if you think about just how useless this whole project/issue is, and that someday we’re all going to die and none of this will matter’. For a while I thought that my co-workers thought this was funny, so I kept saying it. More recently, though, I have come realize that people probably don’t see this as humorous, but I keep saying it anyway, because now I think that I believe this viewpoint on life to be true.

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CUPS 19: Cat Anus

If you own a cat, and you don’t think seriously about sitting anywhere that cat has been, then you’re either super chill or just not realizing how little there is between the end of these creatures’ digestive systems and the rest of the world. I’m uncomfortable just thinking about how many things in my apartment my cats’ anuses have touched. Because the reality is that it’s probably everything.

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CUPS 5: What It’s All About

If this comic strip doesn’t make you want to get up, go buy a ping pong table and paddles, learn the 7,611 rules of the CUPS rulebook, become a great CUPS player and enjoy the fortune of fame afforded of an international sports superstar, then I don’t know what to tell you.

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