CUPS 113: Boss

‘During the whole ordeal she was writing a novella. It’s not all that great, really, and there are a handful of pretty serious character flaws and a significantly noticeable plot hole, but seriously… She was in the midst of labor and she wrote a novella, you know? It’s only 87 pages, but it’s tightly condensed — Norah has a really efficient way of writing. It’s about this detective with OCD and has a vendetta against… You know what? I don’t need to sell you on ‘Nova Scotian Tundra Homicide’, because the title does literally all the selling’

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CUPS 74: Winning Advice

I don’t know, man, if I was in this very specific situation playing this game and it gave me unbelievably apt information regarding my life right this second, no matter how good or bad the advice was I think I’d freak out and start looking for cameras in my house.

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