CUPS 10: Rigged Officiating

Ah, yes. OK. Now we’ve had the two storylines sync up. You may have wondered what was going on when we so awkwardly jumped from the storyline about adults playing in a neighborhood ping-pong based game into a super heavy storyline about a husband and wife about to have a baby. This was the plan all along. But not like ‘this was the plan all along’ in a LOST sort of way, more like ‘this was the plan all along’ in a Breaking Bad sort of way.

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CUPS 2: Awkward Move

I suppose the joke in this strip is that they’re hiding behind the car, as if they are children. Though I suppose the really cynical societal joke here is the idea that there are actually comedies that aren’t male driven… Sorry about the punchline confusion, everyone… Will work on more efficient joke telling post-haste.

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