CUPS 53: Another Comic About Panicking

Much of CUPS is biographical, but this part is kind of not. My wife and I freaked out a little bit, but I don’t recall ever having like real breakdowns where either of us was truly panicked. Maybe Lester is just my fears and worries that I mostly keep locked up inside. Maybe Norah is that as well. Maybe this is a fictional comic and you shouldn’t read too deeply into it and mind your own damn business.

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CUPS 52: Emotional Badass

When my son was born, the first night we spent at home, I was up most of the night terrified about the inconsequential slant to the bassinet mattress. I was thoroughly convinced that he was going to roll onto his stomach in the middle of the night, as a 4-day old, and suffocate himself. This was a complete and utter joke of a thought, but at the time I was this close to getting out a construction leveler and straight up shaving off portions of the mattress until it was at an exact zero degree slant. I think I have a tendency to dwell on things that don’t actually matter, and when I suddenly had a 4-day old I actually legit slipped into a short-term insanity that took me about a year to come out of. In short, nobody should have babies ever, because things would be so much easier and we’d all be so much better adjusted.

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CUPS 42: Makin’ Soup

Did you know that gambling on tennis is absolutely HUGE internationally? Your first thought when I say this is surely ‘wtf, that can’t possibly be true’, but it is! Apparently it’s because tennis matches are going on almost literally at every second of every day everywhere. Like, there are tournaments going on every weekend, and it’s something that a TON of people are wagering money on. Certainly surprised me when I found this out in passing that one time that may or may not have actually happened.

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CUPS 10: Rigged Officiating

Ah, yes. OK. Now we’ve had the two storylines sync up. You may have wondered what was going on when we so awkwardly jumped from the storyline about adults playing in a neighborhood ping-pong based game into a super heavy storyline about a husband and wife about to have a baby. This was the plan all along. But not like ‘this was the plan all along’ in a LOST sort of way, more like ‘this was the plan all along’ in a Breaking Bad sort of way.

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